Sunday, September 25, 2016

Free Rice and Lazarus

The gospel for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time reminds us, among other things, to feed the hungry in this world. Is there a "Lazarus" lying at our door? What are his or her sores? How can we help? What have we done for the hungry lately? One very easy way to help the hungry -- as this blog has reminded us numerous times -- is to spend a few minutes each day on the website,  For each correct answer you give on this site, sponsors donate 10 grains of rice to the World Food Program to help end hunger.  In the amount of time it is taking you to read this message, you can answer questions on English vocabulary, art, science, history or several languages.  If you have previously visited but have stopped, now might be a good time to start again.  If you have never participated before, it is easy:  Click here!

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