Thursday, May 23, 2013

Part 2 of Update

Partnership for Global Justice May 2013 update (continued):
On July 15, the UN will hold a Civil Society Day on Migration in preparation for the High Level Meeting in October.  Here in the United States we are engaged in advocacy around immigration reform.  The Partnership shares with you some facts regarding migration globally (taken from  References listed there.)
Facts and Figures
Global Estimates and Trends
214 million
Estimated number of international migrants worldwide1
The total number of international migrants has increased over the last 10 years from an estimated 150 million in 20002 to 214 million3 persons today.
Percentage of the world's population who are migrants4
  • In other words, one of out of every 33 persons in the world today is a migrant (whereas in 2000 one out of every 35 persons was a migrant).
  • The percentage of migrants has remained relatively stable as a share of the total population, increasing by only 0.2 per cent (from 2.9 to 3.1 per cent), over the last decade.5
  • However, the percentage of migrants varies greatly from country to country. Countries with a high percentage of migrants include Qatar (87 per cent), United Arab Emirates (70 per cent), Jordan (46 per cent), Singapore (41 per cent), and Saudi Arabia (28 per cent).6
  • Countries with a low percentage of migrants include South Africa (3.7 per cent), Slovakia (2.4 per cent), Turkey (1.9 per cent), Japan (1.7 per cent), Nigeria (0.7 per cent), Romania (0.6 per cent), India (0.4 per cent) and Indonesia (0.1 per cent).7
Migrants would constitute the fifth most populous country in the world8
  • Migration is now more widely distributed across more countries. Today the top 10 countries of destination receive a smaller share of all migrants than in 2000.
Percentage of migrants worldwide who are women9
$440 billion
Estimated remittances sent by migrants in 201010
  • Remittances have increased exponentially: up from USD 132 billion in 2000 to an estimated USD 440 billion in 2010, even with a slight decline due to the current economic crisis.11
  • The actual amount, including unrecorded flows through formal and informal channels, is believed to be significantly larger.12
  • In 2010, the top recipient countries of recorded remittances were India, China, Mexico, the Philippines, and France.13
  • Rich countries are the main source of remittances. The United States is by far the largest, with USD 48.3 billion in recorded outward flows in 2009. Saudi Arabia ranks as the second largest, followed by Switzerland and Russia.14
$325 billion
Estimated remittances sent by migrants to developing countries in 2010 15
27.5 million
Internally displaced persons in the world in 201016
  • IDP numbers have grown from 21 million in 2000 to 27.5 million at the end of 2010.17
15.4 million
Number of refugees in the world today 18
  • Based on data from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the number of refugees stood at 15.4 million in 2010 compared to 15.9 million in 2000 – a decline of around 500,000. However, due to a change in classification and estimation methodology in a number of countries, figures as from 2007 are not fully comparable with pre-2007 figures.19
  • The proportion of refugees in migrant stocks has fallen from 8.8 per cent in 2000 to 7.6 per cent in 2010.20


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