Wednesday, August 14, 2019

August Books

This month, we are introducing two newly-published books written by women religious:

River of Fire: My Spiritual Journey by Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ is somewhat of a "prequel" to Dead Man Walking (1993), beginning with days as a novice and ending when she was first invited to correspond with a man on Louisiana's death row.  In the description of the book, we read, "Sister Helen Prejean's work as an activist nun, campaigning to educate Americans about the inhumanity of the death penalty, is known to millions worldwide.  Less widely known is the evolution of her spiritual journey from praying for God to solve the world's problems to engaging full-tilt in working to transform societal injustices. . . . Sister Helen writes about the relationships with friends, fellow nuns, and mentors who have shaped her over the years."

Beyond the Crossroads: Religious Life in the 21st Century, by Amy Hereford, CSJ is somewhat of a sequel to Religious Life at the Crossroads (2012).  As a canon lawyer, Sister Amy works with various religious communities, which gives her the unique opportunity to engage with women and men religious whose communities are at various stages of evolution.  In the Preface of the book, we read, "This book continues the exploration of contemporary movements in religious life and emerging currents, particularly among the smaller cohorts of younger religious in mainstream communities of women religious. . . . This book is another series of extended reflections about where we are in religious life and where we're headed."

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