Catholic Relief Services has provided this prayer for Sunday's World Day of the Poor:
God of Abraham,
On my television,
On my newsfeed,
On my street,
Everywhere I go,
I see Lazarus.
But I also see so many doors,
Doors that I've built,
That I've closed.
Doors that society has hung and locked.
Doors that separate me from Lazarus.
Lord, teach me to open the door to Lazarus,
To the poor.
To know them as your children,
To lift them in their distress,
To work to help them find a fair share of your bounty.
This World Day of the Poor,
Help us all turn to those outside the door --
To bless, heal, comfort;
And together, from this day forward, build a world
Where the poor are strangers to none,
And, indeed, the very chains of poverty are broken.
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