Monday, April 14, 2014

Human Trafficking Educational Module

"Human Trafficking and the Objectification of Women" is an educational module provided by U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking.  This module is comprehensive in its inclusion of Awareness, Analysis, Reflection (including Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching), Action and Further Information.  If you have time to pay attention to only one human trafficking resource this year, this resource would suffice.  Click here to access a copy. 

Here are some of the actions suggested by this resource:
  • Pray and sacrifice daily for both the victims and the perpetrators of human trafficking.
  • Subscribe online and through the mail to anti-human trafficking newsletters.
  • Write letters to local newspapers, keeping the human trafficking issue alive and spreading news about developments.
  • Contact a popular columnist, asking her/him to write a news article on the topic.
  • Bring pressure through letters to the editor concerning which publishes on the internet, urging them to remove their "adult" section advertising the availability of persons for commercial sex. 
  • Discuss with store managers the offensiveness of the pornography on their check-out counters.
  • Join parish social action groups such as JustFaith and encourage them to focus on human trafficking.
For further information (in addition to downloading the file above), go to

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