Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fast Action for Immigration Reform

The Interfaith Immigration Coalition has planned 40 days of "Fast Action for Immigration Reform" from September 9 to October 18, during which we are asked to fast, pray and advocate for immigration reform in the United States.
  • Why September 9?  That is the day Congress returns from its August recess.
  • Why prayer and fasting?  Because prayer and fasting are common to many faith traditions; because faith leaders have often fasted in the face of suffering, violence or injustice; because prayer and fasting can be acts of solidarity; because prayer and fasting have the power to transform our hearts, the hearts of our community and the hearts of our elected officials.
  • Why prayer and fasting about immigration reform?  Because of the importance of hospitality and solidarity to our faith traditions; because immigrants are human beings made in the image and likeness of God; because immigration reform is in the hands of our elected officials right now.
During the next few weeks, this blog will post information about immigration reform and the fast action.  Please prayerfully consider your own action -- and, perhaps, the action of your congregation, community, family or other group -- toward praying, fasting and advocating for humane, just and fair immigration reform in the United States.

In the meantime, go to to be better educated about immigration reform and to to learn about what others are doing and, perhaps, to commit to your own action. 

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