Thursday, May 17, 2012

DREAM Day of Action

Do you have 5-10 minutes today to use to contact President Obama and Speaker Boehner about immigration?  As we told you last week, the "United We Dream" network is calling for a day of action today, May 17, 2012, to secure rights for all immigrants. 

President Barack Obama can be reached at (202) 456-1111 and Speaker Boehner can be reached at (202) 225-0600.

Send letters or postcards to:

President Barack Obama, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500

Speaker John Boehner, Office of the Speaker, H-232 The Capital, Washington, DC 20515

To send e-mails, go to their respective websites: or and click on "Contact."

Possible comments to consider when you contact them:
Support the DREAM Act

Our Immigrant youth have the right to live without fear.
Our Immigrant youth have the right to live with their families.
Our Immigrant youth have the right to move freely.
Our Immigrant youth have the right to be educated.
Our Immigrant youth have the right to give back to the community.
Our Immigrant youth have the right to build a strong sustainable economy.
Our Immigrant youth have the right to build their dreams.

For more information, click here to go to the "United We Dream" site.

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