On November 16, we remember the six Jesuits, their housekeeper, and her teenage daughter, who were assassinated by the Salvadoran army on November 16, 1989 at the Universidad Centroamericana in San Salvador. Rather than calling them "the six Jesuits and two others," as we have been know to do, here are their names:
Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J., Ignacio Martín-Baró, S.J., Segundo Montes, S.J., Juan Ramón Moreno, S.J., Joaquín López y López, S.J., Amando López, S.J., Elba Ramos, and Celina Ramos (15 years old, daughter of Elba Ramos).
We also pause to remember the thousands of others who lost their lives or disappeared during the period of 1980-1991 in El Salvador as a result of the Salvadoran Civil War.
As our Sisters prepare to represent us at SOA/WHINSEC this week, we remember!
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