Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Lenten Message

Here's a Lenten message from Marie Lucey, Associate Director for Social Mission of the LCWR. I looked at this calendar, and it's "chock full" of great ideas for each day of Lent. Well worth our time:

As Lent approaches, our reflections turn to the three traditional practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. When the scripture writers described fasting, they never envisioned carbon fasting actions. In 2010, however, given our awareness of reducing our production of climate change pollution, and in light of the LCWR 2009 Assembly Resolution, "Reduce Our Carbon Footprint, you are invited toparticipate in a Lenten Carbon Fast and share it with your members. A carbon fast calendar for Lent is the work of the Environmental Outreach Committee of the Archdiocese of Washington DC, and can be found on the LCWR website. Under SocialJustice Issues, scroll down to Climate Change/Environment.

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