The SBS Leadership Team has sent out the following message:
This is to share the very sad news from the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament that one of their members, Sr. Marguerite Bartz was found dead on Sunday November 1st in the convent at Navajo, New Mexico. When Sister was not present for her Sunday responsibilities in Sawmill, NM and could not be reached by the pastor, he contacted another SBS, who also tried a number of times to contact her by phone and then decided to drive over to Navajo. Sister found the body. Foul play is suspected and the FBI is handling the investigation.
A Sister of Charity from Convent Station NJ is missioned with Marguerite in Navajo but was attending a community meeting in New Jersey and was not there this weekend.
As Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament we are deeply grieved at this time for the loss that Sr. Marguerite is to our congregation and in particular to the people of Navajo, NM whom she loved so much. We pray for her, for her family and the people of St. Berard’s.
Sr. Marguerite was a woman always passionate for justice and for peace.
She would be among the first to remind us that our vocation as Christians calls us to seek within our own hearts a spirit of forgiveness towards whoever is responsible for this deed.
It is our belief in the resurrection of Jesus and our own resurrection that provides comfort and hope for us. Sr. Marguerite along with St. Katharine Drexel, and so many SBS who have ministered for over 118 years throughout our country among Native American and Black peoples now understands completely the words heard so many times at funeral liturgies, “Life has not ended but changed.”
Sr. Pat Suchalski and the Leadership Team of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
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