Sunday, March 22, 2009

Agenda for a New Economy

More from Partnership for Global Justice:

David Korten’s new book, Agenda for a New Economy, identifies deep sources of the current economic failure. Korten stresses that Main Street, not Wall Street, creates real wealth from real resources to meet real needs. He outlines an agenda to liberate the latent entrepreneurial energies of Main Street that can bring about a new economy that is locally based, community-oriented, and devoted to creating a better life for all, not simply increasing profits. It will require courageous and imaginative changes in the ways we measure economic success, organize our financial system and create money. Korten does not offer final answers, but rather, he provokes discussion on options that can possibly return us to an economy firmly rooted in the long term health of the planet. For more information or to order his book, go to:

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