Sunday, July 13, 2008

Faith Can Move Mountains: Vote the Common Good

What a convention! About 800 of us descended on Philadelphia for this inaugural event. On Friday we were greeted by Sister Simone Campbell, NETWORK Executive Director and Alexia Kelley, Executive Director of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. Senator Bob Casey, Jr. welcomed us to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with some inspiring words, reminding us (as does the prophet Micah and the hymn, "We are Called") that WE ARE CALLED TO ACT WITH JUSTICE, TO LOVE TENDERLY, TO SERVE ONE ANOTHER, AND TO WALK HUMBLY WITH GOD. The keynote speaker on Friday evening was Dr. M. Shawn Copeland of Boston College. Dr. Copeland's entire speech was inspiring, and I'm sure it will be available in other formats, so I won't repeat it here. However, here are some important points:

  1. Our world cannot change if we do not.
  2. We should cultivate the virtue of hope.
  3. We should draw on the theological literacy, spiritual resources, etc., that we have.

She also strong encouraged us to pray and fast for the common good to be carried out in the November elections.

More to follow . . .

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