Tuesday, April 29, 2008

"Discovering the Areopogas of Our Time"

Tuesday, April 29
  • We began the morning with a presentation about the ways in which SCC's in Chile are responding to the call of social justice in their country.
  • Then, we were presented a challenge by Father John Kilcrann, CSSp: Discover the Areopagus of our time! That is, as Paul confronted the Athenian philosophers at the Areopogas and challenged their worship of many gods, we should be discovering and confronting the ways in which the Word of God is in conflict with today's culture. Father Kilcrann, of the Spiritan JPIC Services in Rome, spoke to us about his Congregation's experiences in attaining non-government organization (NGO) status. A proposal at a General Chapter in 1998 has evolved into membership in Vivat International, an NGO formed by a network of women and men's religious congregations. Father Kilcrann stressed the importance of partnership and networking to the task that religious women and men have before them today.
  • We also heard about the SCC response to social justice in the Philippines and here in the Generalate.
  • The rest of the day was spent brainstorming practical ways in which we can put what we have discussed into effect. Realizing that we cannot do everything, we must focus our efforts. The JPIC coordinators will share more about this when they return to their respective provinces.


  1. Hi!

    Thank you for the e-mail to the Companions regarding the launch of the website. S. Josita mentioned it to me at Covenant Day on Sunday. I thought I'd be the first to post a comment but I think S. Josita beat me to it :)

    Thank you for keeping us informed of the proceedings of this important international congregational meeting and for the added effort of maintaining this blog. The blog is a wonderful mechanism for keeping us informed of this shared work and for enhancing our sense of shared journey around the JPIC aspect of who we are as Sisters and Associates of Christian Charity.

    Safe travels home!

  2. Interesting challenge for our Congregation! And I can just imagine that with all that you have heard over these days, there can be an overwhelming feeling of all of the needs and efforts happening....it is good that the reality check is your comment "we must focus our efforts!" Have a safe trip home! SJosita

  3. Thank you both for your comments. The experience has been enriching and I'll share more when I get home (which won't be long).
